Multiple Entry Parks Pass

Love vis­it­ing parks often? Save mon­ey on many visits

Love a reg­u­lar day out at Belair Nation­al Park’s adven­ture play­ground, 4WDing in Lin­coln Nation­al Park or hik­ing at Mount Remark­able Nation­al Park?

If you make day trips to par­tic­u­lar parks often you can save mon­ey on vehi­cle entry by get­ting a vehi­cle entry pass that’s valid for either 2 months or 12 months.

With the pass you can go to your favourite park (or parks) in South Aus­tralia many times and not have to pay for each entry.

Thanks for your support

When you buy a park pass you sup­port Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Service’s efforts in park con­ser­va­tion, man­age­ment and improve­ment. We thank you for being part of our parks’ ongo­ing con­tri­bu­tion to South Australia’s bio­di­ver­si­ty, cul­tur­e, tourism and recre­ation opportunities.

Which parks are exclud­ed from the 2 month or 12 month pass?

All parks that do not charge vehi­cle entry are exclud­ed from the 2 and 12 month pass.

Kan­ga­roo Island and Desert Parks are also exclud­ed, you may con­sid­er a Kan­ga­roo Island Tour Pass or a Desert Parks Pass. 

I’m walk­ing or cycling into a park. Do I need to buy a 2 month or 12 month pass?


I’m just dri­ving my car into a park for one day trip. Do I need to buy a 2 month or 12 month pass?

No. There are more than 350 parks in South Aus­tralia and you can dri­ve take your car into most of them for free. 

Some parks have a small day entry fee for vehi­cles. To check out the list of parks with a fee, vis­it the Find a Park page before you go. Select Fil­ter Parks”, choose Fees & Book­ings” then select Book before you go parks”. If fees apply, you can pay online.

What’s the best way to take my car into parks for more than one day trip?

One park

If you want to go to a sin­gle park more than once, you can get a pass that lets you go as much as you want over a 12 month peri­od. You can go in your car and it costs less than pay­ing the day entry fee each time.

Camp­ing is not included.

Buy a 12 month vehi­cle entry pass for a sin­gle park.

Many parks

If you want to go to many parks more than once, you can get a pass that lets you go to lots of dif­fer­ent parks over a 2 month or 12 month peri­od. You can go in your car and it costs less than pay­ing the day entry fee each time.

The parks you can go to are Belair Nation­al Park, Cof­fin Bay Nation­al Park, Deep Creek Nation­al Park, Ikara-Flinders Ranges Nation­al Park, Gawler Ranges Nation­al Park, Dhil­ba Guuarn­da-Innes Nation­al Park, Lin­coln Nation­al Park (includ­ing Mem­o­ry Cove Wilder­ness Pro­tec­tion Area), Mount Remark­able Nation­al Park, Ngarkat Con­ser­va­tion Park and Para Wirra Con­ser­va­tion Park.

Camp­ing is not included.

Buy a 2 month vehi­cle entry pass for mul­ti­ple parks.

Buy a 12 month vehi­cle entry pass for mul­ti­ple parks.

Do I need a 2 month or 12 month vehi­cle entry pass to go camping?

No. Find your ide­al camp­site and book it before you go.

Is there a con­ces­sion price for a 2 month or 12 month vehi­cle entry pass?


Where can I buy a 2 month or 12 month vehi­cle entry pass?

Buy a pass online or find where you can buy a pass in per­son.

What oth­er mul­ti­ple entry pass­es does Nation­al Parks and Wildlife South Aus­tralia offer?

I’ve got more ques­tions about a 2 month or 12 month vehi­cle entry pass, who can I ask?

See the pass terms and con­di­tions, check our fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions or con­tact our Cus­tomer Ser­vice Cen­tre.