Kangaroo Island Tour Pass - Compare individual prices

Kangaroo Island Tour Pass - Compare individual prices

The Kan­ga­roo Island Tour Pass pro­vides you 12 months access to Flinders Chase Nation­al Park, as well as admis­sion to the fol­low­ing Kan­ga­roo Island tours:

If you’re only plan­ning on vis­it­ing a cou­ple of parks, it may be cheap­er to pur­chase indi­vid­ual tour and entry fees.

Where to buy

Kan­ga­roo Island Tour Pass­es can only be pur­chased in per­son at the:

  • Cape Willough­by Con­ser­va­tion Park Infor­ma­tion Centre
  • Flinders Chase Nation­al Park Vis­i­tor Centre
  • Seal Bay Vis­i­tor Centre
  • Nation­al Parks Wildlife Ser­vice Kan­ga­roo Island office, Kingscote (Mon­day — Fri­day, 9:00am — 5:00pm)

For more infor­ma­tion about pass­es, read our Fre­quent­ly Asked Ques­tions, or con­tact our Vis­i­tor Ser­vice Cen­tre on (+61 8) 8207 7700.

Kan­ga­roo Island Tour Pass

  • $89.00 Adult
  • $72.00 Con­ces­sion
  • $54.00 Child (aged 4 — 15)
  • $249.00 Fam­i­ly (2 adults & 2 chil­dren OR 1 adult & 3 children)

Seal Bay

Entry fees are payable online or on arrival at Seal Bay.

Guid­ed beach tour (includes access to board­walk and lookout)

  • $42.00 Adult
  • $33.50 Con­ces­sion
  • $23.70 Child (aged 4 — 15) 
  • $110.00 Fam­i­ly (2 adults & 2 chil­dren OR 1 adult & 3 children)

Board­walk and look­out (self-guid­ed)

  • $19.10 Adult
  • $15.30 Con­ces­sion
  • $11.60 Child (aged 4 — 15) 
  • $52.00 Fam­i­ly (2 adults & 2 chil­dren OR 1 adult & 3 children)

Cape Bor­da Lightstation

Self-guid­ed Tour – Includ­ed in Flinders Chase Nation­al Park entry fees.

Cape Willough­by Lightstation

Entry fees are payable on arrival at Cape Willough­by Light­sta­tion.

Light­sta­tion Tour

  • $19.00 Adult
  • $15.20 Con­ces­sion
  • $11.40 Child (aged 4 — 15) 
  • $49.50 Fam­i­ly (2 adults & 2 chil­dren OR 1 adult & 3 children)

Site Entry fee

  • $5.80 Adult (includes con­ces­sion holders)

Flinders Chase Nation­al Park

Entry fees are payable online or on arrival at Flinders Chase Vis­i­tor Centre. 

One day entry fee

  • $14.00 Adult
  • $11.20 Con­ces­sion
  • $8.10 Child (aged 4 — 15)
  • $36.00 Fam­i­ly (2 adults & 2 chil­dren OR 1 adult & 3 children)

Two day entry fee*

  • $20.20 Adult
  • $16.20 Con­ces­sion
  • $12.10 Child (aged 4 — 15)
  • $55.00 Fam­i­ly (2 adults & 2 chil­dren OR 1 adult & 3 children)

*Applies to two con­sec­u­tive days.

Kel­ly Hill Caves Tour

Entry fees are payable online or on arrival at Kel­ly Hill Caves Vis­i­tor Centre. 

Kel­ly Hill Caves Tour 

  • $28.80 Adult
  • $23.00 Con­ces­sion
  • $17.30 Child (aged 4 — 15)
  • $79.00 Fam­i­ly

Fees are valid until 30 June 2025