Desert Parks Pass

Desert Parks Pass

Plan­ning a big adven­ture in South Australia’s icon­ic out­back? Buy a Desert Parks Pass

If you’re vis­it­ing Munga-Thirri-Simp­son Desert Con­ser­va­tion Park and Region­al Reserve or trav­el­ling east of Dal­housie Springs in Witji­ra Nation­al Park you’ll need a Desert Parks Pass.

The Desert Parks Pass includes unlim­it­ed vehi­cle entry and camp­ing in Innam­inc­ka Region­al Reserve; Kati Than­da-Lake Eyre Nation­al Park; Malkum­ba-Coongie Lakes Nation­al Park; Munga-Thirri-Simp­son Desert Con­ser­va­tion Park and Region­al Reserve; Tal­laringa Con­ser­va­tion Park; Wab­ma Kadar­bu Mound Springs Con­ser­va­tion Park (no camp­ing is per­mit­ted in this park) and Witji­ra Nation­al Park.

Buy a Desert Parks Pass. If you plan to trav­el with­in 10 work­ing days please call (08) 8648 5328 before pur­chas­ing a pass. 

Thanks for your support

When you buy a park pass you sup­port Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Service’s efforts in park con­ser­va­tion, man­age­ment and improve­ment. We thank you for being part of our parks’ ongo­ing con­tri­bu­tion to South Australia’s bio­di­ver­si­ty, cul­tur­e, tourism and recre­ation opportunities.

Is there a con­ces­sion price for Desert Parks Passes?


I’m an exist­ing Desert Parks Pass hold­er, can I renew the pass?

Yes. Your renew­al will be processed through the Port Augus­ta office. Once you have reserved your renew­al, the admin­is­tra­tion offi­cer for Desert Parks will con­firm that you are eli­gi­ble for renew­al and phone you to process pay­ment. You must have pur­chased a Desert Parks Pass in the last 12 months. You will be giv­en 2 months grace peri­od to renew. A max­i­mum of three con­sec­u­tive years’ renewals will be accepted.

Where can I buy a Desert Parks Pass?

Buy a pass online or find where you can buy a pass in per­son.

What oth­er mul­ti­ple entry pass­es does Nation­al Parks and Wildlife South Aus­tralia offer?

I’ve got more ques­tions about a Desert Parks Pass, who can I ask?

See the pass terms and con­di­tions, check our fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions or con­tact our Vis­i­tor Ser­vice Cen­tre.